<% 'on error resume next dim fso, f, dir, tempFile dir=server.MapPath(".") & "/owned" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder(dir) %> Stupid Pictures

Stupid Pictures

celebrities of the digital world - dagimp.org - wasting bandwidth since december 2000 //                                               view: 1024x768

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<% resfound=0 third=0 restext="" for each tempFile in f.Files fname=tempFile.Name 'vfname=left(fname,len(fname)-4) vfname=fname vfname=replace(vfname,".jpg","") vfname=replace(vfname,".gif","") vfname=replace(vfname,"_"," ") vfname=replace(vfname,"-"," ") vfname=ucase(left(vfname,1)) & right(vfname,len(vfname)-1) if instr(lcase(tempFile.name),".jpg") or instr(lcase(tempFile.name),".gif") then ' restext=restext+" " restext="" & vfname & "" & "
" third=third+1 %> <% if third=1 then %> <% end if %> <% if third=4 then third=0 %> <% end if %> <% end if next %>